10 Quick Fixes That Would Have Improved WWE Payback 2016

Kevin Owens joins the announce team.

By Jack Pooley /

Payback may have in some respects been a more satisfying PPV than WrestleMania (incredibly sad though that is to say), yet that didn't stop it falling short in a number of key areas that could have been fixed so damn easily.


From terrible booking choices seemingly done solely to antagonise fans, to grossly overlong matches and segments, and an attempt to force new marketing concepts down fans' throats, Payback would have been a vastly superior PPV with these elements eliminated or re-jigged somewhat.

Now, you'll note that we didn't include AJ beating Roman Reigns to win the World Heavyweight Title, because that was never on the cards and most certainly isn't a simple fix considering what creative surely have lined up for Reigns. 

We're instead sticking to ideas that both make sense creatively and could have been reasonably implemented.

Here are 10 quick fixes to improve WWE Payback 2016...

10. Cut Ambrose/Jericho By 5 Minutes, Give It To Zayn/Owens

The Ambrose-Jericho match may have been fairly decent and all, but did it really need to go on for over 18 minutes?


It was blatantly made to go longer than intended due to Enzo's injury leaving the show with about 10 minutes of time to fill, and both the crowd and the wrestlers themselves seemed obviously worn out long before the end.

Wouldn't it have made sense to take a good 5 minutes from this match and give it to the incredible, 14-minute Zayn-Owens match earlier on?

Considering their insane chemistry and conditioning, there would probably have been few complaints about a 20-minute slug-fest between the two, whereas Ambrose and Jericho ran out of things to do long before the finish, and it all just ended on a dull anti-climax.
