10 Sickening WWE Injury Surgeries You Need To See

The shocking photos and stories of WWE's toughest injuries.

By Grahame Herbert /

The life of a WWE superstar is filled with dangerous injury risks. You've got big muscular men having to move and extend in overly exaggerated ways. You've got other guys having to take big impact landings on their necks. On screen it looks dramatic and thus entertaining, but the reality is that these performers are devastating their bodies in the short and long term. The majority of talent inevitably need surgery at some point in their life, a painful price to pay for being a wrestling superstar. Some do get lucky and escape with only minor surgeries, but a worrying number need to undergo a serious operation at some stage. This can be directly from a bad bump, for example Steve Austin's neck surgery stemming from Owen Hart's botched piledriver at SummerSlam 1997. Other times a surgery can result from plain old wear and tear, the cumulative years of wrestling catching up with a performer. That was certainly the case with a man like Daniel Bryan, who had to take neck surgery in 2014 after years of top rop dives and big body falls. The timing of an active wrestler's surgery is never ideal. The WWF ended up losing their biggest attraction of all time, at the height of their pop culture boom, when Steve Austin bowed out for his surgery in late 1999. Similarly, Daniel Bryan was on the biggest push of his career when surgery sidelined him in May 2014. Instances like this can take a performer up to a year to recover from, costing them and the WWE a considerable amount of money. This feature will look at some of WWE's most sickest surgeries. With photographs from the operating theatre, this will fully expose the reality of all those bad bumps and painful schedules. You'll see inside Vince McMahon's body, and the knife cutting into Dave Batista's flesh, to name just a couple of our shocking images. There'll also be videos, for the full on grisly nature of what some of these wrestlers must endure! Here's WWE€™s 10 sickest injury surgeries