10 Things We Learned About Chris Benoit Tragedy From Kevin Sullivan On Jim Cornette's Podcast

The 'Taskmaster' gives his side of the story...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Kevin Sullivan Woman Nancy Benoit

If you haven't checked out VICE's excellent two-part 'Dark Side Of The Ring' documentary on Chris Benoit, then you're missing out.


The stunning doc explores Benoit's in-ring career, psyche, relationship with wife Nancy, the fallout of his crimes and more. Through it all, only one thing was missing: Kevin Sullivan's side of the story. VICE ran a caption that claimed Sullivan was approached and didn't have any comments to give. That's not strictly true.

Sullivan joined Jim Cornette for a follow-up podcast interview designed to let the ex-WCW booker (and kayfabe satanist) clear up some misinformation he feels was given by VICE. There was talk on his real relationship with Nancy before Benoit even came on the scene, news on why he booked the storylines he did and what he thought of 'Dark Side Of The Ring'.


Think of this as a vital companion piece to the VICE film. It sheds some new light on several things discussed by Nancy's sister Sandra Toffolini, and it's not the bitter hatchet job some might be expecting. Sullivan is keen to move on with his life, and doesn't think it's fair others have to relive their own personal hell.

Here's everything we learned...
