10 Unsung Heroes Of WCW

They weren't the Ric Flairs and Stings of the company, but they damn sure made a difference.

By Lewis Howse /

The WWE Network currently has WCW fever, what with the recent content dump of Nitro, the reappearance of Eric Bischoff on Legends With JBL and whatnot. WWE may have won the war almost fifteen years ago, but they're certainly not above flaunting the WCW brand in a bid to attract lapsed fans and (hopefully) turn them into Network subscribers. Personally, I find watching vintage WCW product beyond refreshing, given the creative lull that WWE finds itself in at present. Why would I want to watch Corporate Kane and a half-baked 'Divas Revolution' when I can just as easily check out some really fun cruiserweight action or see how the nWo was turning the business on its head? One of the best things about having access to all of this WCW material, however, is checking out the work of some of those whose praised perhaps aren't as highly sung as your Goldbergs, Ric Flairs or Stings. These guys might not have been lionised with Network specials or multi-disc DVD releases, but now their contributions to professional wrestling are there for all to see (for just 9.99 a month, Maggle!). Here are ten WCW stars who may not have been multiple time World Champions - hell, they might not have even been a champion, period - but they contributed a lot to the WCW product and their efforts ought to be recognised.