10 Wrestling Facts We Didn't Know Last Week (June 7)
"Is there a cool way to say Sufferin' Succotash?"
Jon Moxley's outspoken interview on 'Talk Is Jericho' got everyone talking. The one-time Dean Ambrose refused to pull any punches in his assessment of WWE life, and he even went so far as to claim Vince McMahon's entire system is a flawed mess of political nonsense. It was strong, potent stuff, and he's far from done.
Mox was back for a second round with Wade Keller's podcast this week, and he had more enlightening things to say about his time as Ambrose. Here, you'll learn how Dean/Jon changed the course of WrestleMania 32 by improvising on the spot, hear what he told Roman Reigns before the infamous "Sufferin' Succotash" promo in 2015 and find out what he did when AEW's Double Or Nothing went off the air.
It's not all Moxley though. There are other facts about The Undertaker, Michelle McCool, the Right To Censor stable, Batista and Triple H. On 'The Game', there's a funky story about how he went about laying out Ronda Rousey's WWE debut back at the 2018 Royal Rumble.
Let's get to this week's facts...