10 Wrestling Jobs Ranked In Order Of Risk

Let's see these people get approved for medical coverage.

By Luke Lafontaine /

At the risk of shocking you senseless, let's just say it: wrestling is risky business. Setting aside the legitimate risks of doing live stunt work, and looking at things that happen within the realms of a stroyline, it makes sense that someone whose anatomy gets methodically destroyed on a semi-constant basis is going to be banged-up. Wrestling is danger. Such is life for these men and women, but they're not the only men and women in some degree of danger. Watch RAW for more than two weeks, and you will see someone whose job is not actually to be in harm's way getting 'hurt'. The warfare in the ring can and does spill over to outside of it, and bystanders (for lack of a better term) are often caught in the crossfire. The purpose of this article is simply to take a look at the other onscreen workers in the grappling world besides grapplers and rank them in terms of (kayfabe) danger level. Who has it the hardest? In fact, who would have the toughest time getting insured for their kayfabe duties? Along the way, we'll be getting a few risk assessments from our friend the imaginary insurance underwriter (let's call him Insurwin R. Shyster,) who has no idea wrestling is staged.