10 WWE Superstars Who Have The Wrong Character Alignment

Whose stale storylines can be revamped by a change in character?

By Anthony Monterulo /

Between NXT Alumni, the Cruiserweights brought in from the CWC, FCW Alumni, and holdovers from the mid-2000s, WWE has arguably the strongest roster across the board that they’ve ever had. Despite that, ratings have been dismally low and the creative output of the main roster has left many fans unsatisfied.


A large part of that dissatisfaction stems from the creative stagnation of the writing teams. Despite having their own network and newly segmented rosters, the main roster (Raw in particular) has shown a total lack of will to progress stories forward in interesting and unpredictable directions.

Many superstars on the roster have become stagnant in their roles, never getting stories outside of “this is the guy/girl you’re supposed to cheer in this feud”. These superstars’ careers would be drastically helped by a shift from heel to face or vice versa.

Here are 10 wrestlers that would most benefit from a character alignment change.

10. AJ Styles

When AJ Styles joined the WWE earlier this year at the Royal Rumble, he was immediately welcomed with open arms by the WWE Universe. In a very short amount of time, he became one of the most over faces in the company.


After a series of match-of the-year caliber bouts with John Cena, the company short sightedly turned AJ Styles heel to continue this feud. Styles actually beat Cena several times throughout their feud (including a totally clean pinfall), a rare feat for anyone, let alone a heel.

While Styles is a preternaturally talented in whatever role he occupies, the Smackdown roster (and the WWE in general) is in desperate need of a smaller, athletic face that can play the underdog. The company would be well advised to turn AJ face before WrestleMania season, possibly by taking the belt off of him and allowing him to chase a heel champion.
