6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 4)

Bayley pulls the nose up; Kevin Owens sells for SmackDown; Roman Reigns destroys EVERYONE.

By Jamie Kennedy /


The positivity is flowing again after last week's disaster.


WWE creative might have a conniption fit when somebody points out that Hell In A Cell is approx two weeks away and the company hasn't even confirmed one cage match yet, but at least SmackDown is back on solid ground. There was a lot to like about this week's episode.

Roman Reigns' quest to rule his family with an iron fist continued, The Usos worked their old tag-team magic with a pair of doubles winners, Kevin Owens sold like no man has ever sold before, and WWE even managed to pull the nose up on Bayley's feud with Bianca Belair. No, that last one still isn't ideal, but their segment was at least a step in the right direction.


The negatives deserve a mention too, of course. One story is going the 50/50 route, another is almost absent (remember that next week when the panic sets in and WWE realise they've got a pay-per-view to promote), and one wrestler's "fresh start" as a singles star reeked.

Here are all the 'Ups' and 'Downs'...
