6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 4)


3. No Fresh Start

Carmella Liv Morgan

Uh oh.

Liv Morgan might've been forgiven for thinking that WWE would restart her singles push (remember that?) now that Ruby Riott has been released. So much for that, people. Liv was jobbed out in a short match to Carmella on the latest SmackDown, and that isn't a good sign for her career.

'Mella isn't even being readied for a title push either, so this is serious worrying for Liv. She's gone from being one half of a going-nowhere women's tag-team to going nowhere on her own. WWE totally squandered the chance to breathe new life into Morgan here.

Granted, few will remember this match in a few weeks, but it's still bothersome due to Liv's current plight. She's one of only seven active female wrestlers on SmackDown, and yet here she is getting gobbled up by somebody else WWE top brass couldn't care less about right now.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.