2 Ups & 6 Downs From WWE SmackDown (May 28)

Kevin Owens gets nailed and bad WWE comedy takes over on the worst SmackDown in a while.

The Usos Rey Dominik Mysterio

Well, this wasn't great.

There's no point in sugarcoating it. Anybody who reads this writer's work on the regular knows he prefers to be upbeat about WWE's product, and he doesn't think it's anywhere near as bad as some others do. Still, one must be honest when a show sh*ts the bed. This week's SmackDown did.

Mediocre weeks are one thing; WWE has 52 weeks of this stuff to fill every year, and not every single episode is going to be amazing, but Friday's edition was woeful at times. At least two major feuds are being totally ruined by unwanted, bad WWE-style comedy, and one of the best tag-teams on the roster is being made to look like a pair of overhyped losers for no reason at all.

Minimal Roman Reigns involvement is also hardly a plus for SmackDown these days. He's the hottest act in all of pro wrestling right now, and the fact he was barely involved didn't do much to heighten blue brand interest. Plus, Hell In A Cell happens in three weeks!

Christ knows how WWE plan to promote must-see Cell bouts with build up like this...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.