7 Times Roman Reigns Acted Like WWE's Biggest Heel

"This is my yard now... "

By Jamie Kennedy /


Roman Reigns is supposed to be the kind of star fans rally behind and treat like a superhero babyface. Just look at the way he's been booked since The Shield split in 2014 for proof of that; Vince McMahon has tried everything from turning Roman into John Cena 2.0 to putting the might of The Authority up against him in a 'one vs. all' scenario.


Nothing has worked and fans outright refuse to cheer the guy en masse. Yes, there are some who like him, but most fans boo like this is 2001 and X-Pac has just stepped through the curtain to scathing 'go away' heat. At times, it's almost like Reigns is a tweener sitting awkwardly between heel and baby even when he's not really meant to be.

Although Reigns has brought this on himself during media interviews, such fan hatred is mainly down to poor writing on WWE TV. Quite why the creative team believe casting Roman as an unwanted babyface who occasionally acts like he's above everyone or revels in being disrespectful is anyone's guess, but it isn't working.


Believe that...