9 Reasons Ryback Returning As A Face Is Best For Business

WWE need to get Ryback right this time.

By Jeremy Bennett /

Ryan Reeves would first make his mark in the WWE on the first season of NXT (back when it was a competition show for a contract on the main roster where the superstars would be paired with a pro to mentor them). He was known then as Skip Sheffield, a happy-go-lucky cowboy that had an impressive physique with strength and agility to go with it. He would then join all of the other first season participants of NXT to form The Nexus; however, soon after the start of The Nexus, Sheffield would break his ankle and be out of action for several months. In April of 2012, Sheffield returned, but with a new look, a new attitude, and a new name. Ryback. For several months following Ryback's debut, he would crush jobbers one and two at a time. Many people thought he drew a lot of comparisons to Goldberg; hence the chants that would echo in the arenas. After months of squashing jobbers, Ryback rose quickly to the main event scene with a feud against CM Punk for the WWE Championship. While he never won the title, he gained the favor and backing of the WWE Universe. Eventually Ryback would turn heel by attacking John Cena in the middle of 2013 and get another WWE title shot, this time against John Cena. After another unsuccessful attempt to take the title, he aligned himself with Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel for a short period of time to feud with CM Punk after Heyman turned on him. What came of this was a tag team called Rybaxel. They had tagged together for the better part of a year before Ryback needed surgery to correct strained groins and sports hernias. Ryback is slated to return sometime in the near future. Rumors had placed it as early as the end of September (which obviously did not happen). Here are nine reasons why re-introducing Ryback to the WWE as a face would be best for business: