Ranking All 2015 WWE PPVs From Worst To Best

The bottom of the barrel to the cream of the crop.

By Brad Hamilton /

To say the year 2015 has been a roller coaster ride for WWE would be an understatement. While there have been plenty of bright spots - the enthusiasm for the WWE Network and increase in subscriptions, NXT's surge in popularity, a increase in profits over the previous year - there have been an abundance of lows. This year has seen an unusual amount of pay-per-view events that failed to build hype and anticipation, and in the cases of the ones that did, many of those fell short of delivering. Too many rematches and controversial booking decisions led to what may go down as one of the worst years for WWE from a strictly creative standpoint. Now that every PPV is in the books, let's go back and take a look at the year's shows and determine which ones were great and which ones were...not so great. No, that's being too kind. Some of them were downright appalling.

12. Survivor Series (November 22nd)

Best Match: Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio Worst Match: Charlotte vs. Paige There isn€™t much left to say about Survivor Series that I haven€™t already said here. It was a dreadful show that did almost nothing right, which is extra depressing considering how fun the Survivor Series matches themselves used to be. Once considered one of WWE€™s €œBig Four€, the event has been surpassed by about half a dozen other shows on the calendar. Survivor Series was so universally panned for its dismal combination of dull matches and boneheaded booking that I€™d honestly prefer to pretend it never happened rather than grant it an entry on this list. The fact that WWE followed it up with the impressive TLC is hopefully a sign that they heard the negative feedback they were being showered with. Reusing the finish from SummerSlam 2013 €“ one that everyone hated when it originally happened so it wasn€™t going to get better with age €“ with a champion people liked even less than the one they awarded it to at that event was just one in a night full of mishaps. The Roman Reigns/Dean Ambrose match should have been something the company built to and presented it as a main event clash, instead it was a rushed bout on the undercard of a horrible show. Everything else on the card was either completely forgettable or actually offensive with how terrible it was.