Rebooking WWE Bad Blood 2004 - 7 Ways To Make It Better

Wouldn't it be great to live in a world where that interminable HHH vs. HBK cell match never happened?

By Lewis Howse /

With Hell in a Cell 2015 happening tomorrow night, it got me thinking about great Cell matches from previous years. It was fun reminiscing about The Undertaker's classic confrontations with Shawn Michaels and Mankind and Triple H's superlative scraps with Cactus Jack and Batista, amongst others. As good as Triple H and Shawn Michaels have been inside the Cell, at Bad Blood 2004 they had an absolute shocker. Their supposedly epic Cell match went a way too long 47:26, a good 15-20 minutes longer than it should have. But their overly long stinker wasn't the only problem with the PPV. Overall, the show was a disappointment, with some pretty mediocre and poor matches punctuated with baffling booking decisions. Considering the Raw roster at the time, Bad Blood 2004 should have been a whole lot better. Chris Benoit was riding high as World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton was on the cusp of becoming a huge star, Edge had just returned from over a year out and Shelton Benjamin was chomping at the bit to grab the brass ring. Using these talents and others who were available at the time, I will attempt to rebook and improve Bad Blood 2004. As always, let me know what you think in the comments below!