Rebooking WWE Bad Blood 2004 - 7 Ways To Make It Better

7. Shelton Benjamin & Edge Vs. La Resistance - WWE Tag Team Title

The actual version of Bad Blood 2004 kicked off with a Tag Team Title match featuring Edge and La Resistance, and this one will, too. Only I would have switched up Edge's partner, replacing Chris Benoit with Benjamin, for a number of different reasons. First, there's really no point in Benoit working double duty, and the World Heavyweight Champion performing in the opener and semi-main doesn't send across the message that he is 'the man'. The opener of Bad Blood 2004 was so-so and basically just acted as a way to set up the World Heavyweight Title match later in the show. This time, it would be given time to develop (around 15 minutes or so), ending with a miscommunication between Edge and Benjamin. This would, in turn, lead to some dissension after the match, with a full-blown Edge heel turn coming in the coming weeks on Raw (it really needed to happen earlier than late 2004).

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...