WWE Roadblock: End Of The Line Results Predictions

Will WWE's final PPV of 2016 crash and burn, or accelerate into WrestleMania season?

By Josh Butcher /

The final PPV of the annual WWE drought is upon us. While December is a trying time for wrestling fans in terms of content quality, we know that this is the calm before the storm, and the final PPV hurdle that we have to clear is this Sunday at WWE Roadblock: End Of The Line.


Yes, the additional tagline on the title seems goofy, like a last stitch effort to make a B-quality show sound cool. That being said, it may be the perfect theme for the evening, as the RAW roster tries to tie up the loose ends of 2016's storylines so that they can move forward towards the Royal Rumble.

While the RAW-exclusive PPV's have gotten something of a bad rap when compared to their SmackDown Live counterparts, this will be their first shot

7. Preshow Match: Rusev Vs Big Cass

I'm actually going to try to tune into the pre-show for this match, simply because this feud has made Rusev look vicious again. Not to mention that this match contains two hard hitting and agile big men, and should produce some lovely, wince-inducing moments.


The backstory of Rusev getting the better of Cass' pal Enzo Amore was genius, and it sets up a match that can showcase what Big Cass can do against someone just as dominant as him. I believe that Cass will give the Bulgarian Brute a run for his money. That being said, Rusev is still a singles star, and a victory here can set him up for a dominant Rumble performance, and possibly another confrontation with Goldberg. Rusev takes the momentum, and Cass goes back to the tag ranks with Enzo.

