WWE Roadblock: End Of The Line Results Predictions

6. RAW Tag Team Championships: The New Day (c) Vs Sheamus & Cesaro

Kevin Owens Roman Reigns

First off, a hardy congratulations to Big E Langston, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods. They took a gimmick that everyone dumped on, and not only made it entertaining, fresh, and successful, but have officially made it legendary. The New Day deserve to hold that record, and, much like former record holders Demolition, it likely won't be matched for a very long time, meaning we'll hear their names for a while.

That being said, in the wake of their record-breaking reign, the RAW tag division is in need of a desperate shake-up, and for that matter, so is The New Day. Not only will a title change on Sunday give us a fresh face at the top of the division, but it will force the record-breaking champs to re-evaluate their characters and do something the haven't done in over a year: chase the gold.

While I was personally hoping that the ones to dethrone The New Day would be Gallows and Anderson, I have no qualms with Sheamus & Cesaro continuing both their stellar ring work and entertaining odd-couple antics as champs.

WINNER & NEW CHAMPIONS: Sheamus & Cesaro


Residing in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, Josh Butcher began watching wrestling in the most Canadian way possible: While looking for something to fill the void of the 2004-2005 NHL Lockout. Ever since, he has been a diligent fan of professional wrestling, even training to become a wrestler.