WWE Started It WCW Finished It - 10 Feuds That Switched Companies

Sequel-Mania starts here, brother!

By J.D. White /

It is hard to believe that WCW closed its doors over thirteen years ago. New wrestling fans today likely can not imagine having another wrestling organization that was a legitimate alternative to the WWE and competed against them week after week. Interestingly enough, WCW did not run from some of the previous storylines, feuds or prior matches that were originated in the WWE. In fact, there were times WCW seemed to welcome with open arms old storylines from their rival since fans seemed to already be emotionally invested in them. It was an compelling idea that brought a lot of success and also some misfires with it. WCW took the reins of some fantastic angles that still had a lot of life and money left in them and properly played them out for their fans. The organization also took some storylines and awkwardly extended them when they really should have stayed dead in the WWE. All in all, WCW continued to give fans sequels, new twists and engaging wrestling matches from established storylines they continued almost directly from the WWE. Starting out the top ten would be two men who take their feud over the Intercontinental title and extend it well into the Monday Night Wars€