10 Most Ridiculous Action Movie One-Liners

By Johno Patterson /


One-liners are synonymous with action movies. They€™re so encoded into the DNA of the genre that it would be bad form for the hero not to shout a pun at someone before blowing them to smithereens. Sometimes they can be ingenious, quoted endlessly and granted immortality but sometimes they€™re just plain daft.

I€™m not here to focus on the lines you wish you€™d thought of, I€™m here to point out ones that seem like they were put into the script as placeholders and then forgotten about. The lines that are so ridiculous that it takes you a moment to comprehend what you€™ve heard. Most of action€™s greatest stars are guilty of this and sometimes it€™s good to take them to task.


Granted, it must be hard to write a perfect one-liner as you have to put yourself in the position of the action hero saying it and not everyone€™s a Terminator or a Johnny Die Hard. When it goes right, a well-timed quip can be the coolest thing about a movie. What if it goes wrong you ask? Well, at least we can laugh.

Let€™s get started€


I€™ll be discussing minor plot details so beware of SPOILERS.