8 Hopelessly Tangled Movie Continuities

Warning: confusion lies within.

By Padraig Cotter /

20th Century Fox

Any long running series will run into continuity issues sooner or later; its unavoidable. While attempts will be made to keep the storyline and characters consistent, mistakes will be made and part four could easily contradict events in part two (and things much more complicated than that). Different creative teams will also come along and rework it how they see fit, new actors will take over familiar roles and eventually any attempt at continuity will end in ruins.


A number of high-profile franchises have fallen victim to this, where theyve become so choked with characters and back-story that most newcomers will run away screaming. Even hardcore fans have a tough time keeping it all together in their heads.

Some franchises hit the remake switch just to start fresh, while others employ some good old fashioned time travel to untangle a few threads. Sometimes this just makes things more confusing, and the series needs its own infographic just to clear everything up.


Here are some examples of franchises that got hopelessly knotted with each new instalment; get ready for major confusion.