Football Manager 2022: 10 Centre-Backs You Must Sign

Those central defenders who can help drive you to FM22 glory.

By Andrew Pollard /

When it comes to the Football Manager series, even the most die-hard of FM gamers can find themselves in need of some words of wisdom from time to time when it comes to potential squad additions. Given how FM22 is now being played by millions across the globe, it's the perfect time to drop some further tips for this latest FM release.


Following our recent 10 Goalkeepers You Must Sign, 10 Right-Backs You Must Sign and 10 Left-Backs You Must Sign pointers, it's only natural that it's the turn of FM22's centre-backs to take the spotlight next. Whether you prefer traditional brutes at the back or a more classy, ball-playing central defender, we've absolutely got you covered with this piece.

Like those other lists, the bigger name superstars are entirely absent here. Rather than discussing obvious world class CBs such as Virgil van Dijk, Kalidou Koulibaly, Raphael Varane, Sergio Ramos, Milan Škriniar, Matthijs de Ligt and the like, the attention is on some lesser known centre-backs who are well worth having your scouts take a look at.

With that in mind, then, here are ten centre-backs who can play a key part in driving your side to glory on FM22.

10. Anel Ahmedhodžić

Club: Malmo


Nationality: Bosnian

Price: £3.5 million

These days back at Malmo after a relatively unsuccessful three-year spell on the books of Nottingham Forest, Anel Ahmedhodžić has shown plenty of promise on the past couple of Football Manager releases. In FM22, that is again the case for the Sweden-born Bosnia and Herzegovina international.

Ahmedhodžić develops into quite the fine ball playing centre-back, and he has another few things going for him than just being solid across the board with his very decent starting numbers.

At 6'5", the 21-year-old is a great threat to have at your disposal for attacking set pieces - of course in addition to being great defensively at set plays - and the other clear appeal of making a move for Ahmedhodžić is his price tag. If you go in with a non-negotiable offer of £3.5 million, that should be enough to convince Malmo to let the player depart. Failing that, you can go back in with an offer of £4 million or so to force the hand of the reigning Allsvenskan champions.
