10 Even MORE Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows

Doctor Who, the Time Lords, the TARDIS... they get everywhere!

By Jacob Simmons /

Time Lords are like glitter - they seem like fun at first, but can have some harrowing consequences. Also, they get everywhere.


Doctor Who and its associated characters have cropped up in so many different other TV shows, movies, works of literature, and basically everything else you could possibly imagine that we've made not one, but two different lists covering the topic. And that still wasn't enough!

It should come as no surprise to anyone who's even heard of Doctor Who why it keeps cropping up in other creatives' work. The show is one of the longest-running and most important in all of television history and has been a source of joy to millions of people across multiple generations. It has a cultural capital so large, it wouldn't be worth even trying to measure it.

From other sci-fi shows to kids TV to sports programmes, this list shows the width and breadth of Doctor Who's influence, as some of these examples happened mere months before this list was written.

Love it or hate it, there is no escaping the power of the flying blue box.

10. Red Dwarf A-Z

Cult comedy classic Red Dwarf joins Doctor Who as being one of the longest-running sci-fi shows in history. It's only had 13 seasons, in comparison with Who's 40, but Who is definitely the outlier here. 


As a result, the two have crossed paths a few times over the years, but perhaps the strangest example comes from a one-off special in 1998 called Red Dwarf A-Z.

To celebrate the show's tenth birthday, 26 clips were chosen and then matches up to different letters of the alphabet, which is a fun spin on this sort of compilation show. For the letter E, the word chosen was "Exterminate", and you can guess where this is going. 

Sure enough, a bunch of Daleks show up to give their thoughts on the show and its use of their famous catchphrase. It's super surreal to see the show's most iconic villains turn up on another programme, especially in such a relaxed format. Why can't they be this nice to the Doctor?! 

Any Whovians who've never seen Red Dwarf should definitely give it a shot, especially if you somehow haven't had your fill of funny Brits travelling through space. 
