6 Best Female Villains In New Doctor Who (And Why They Work So Well)

These wicked women stand out in a sea of pedestrian baddies.

By Mary Ogle /

Doctor Who has graced us with many fascinating villains over the last ten years and these women are some of the best. Even when the episodes they starred in were saddled with murky scripts or questionable production choices these well-drawn characters left a lasting impact. Doctor Who is exceptionally good at obtaining guest talent and these actors imbue their roles with such intelligence, emotion and wit that it€™s impossible to keep your eyes off them. So many Doctor Who villains are portrayed in such an overwrought way they become nothing more than caricature. These wicked women, however, are so much more than monsters made of cardboard. Their stories are compelling because they go beyond the femme fatale stereotype to engage us on more than one level. Multi-layered character motivations and brilliant performances make these women stand out in a sea of pedestrian baddies. These are the six greatest female villains of new Doctor Who and what makes them so memorable...