6 Best Female Villains In New Doctor Who (And Why They Work So Well)

6. Signora Rosanna Calvierri

€œVampires of Venice€ is one of those episodes that contains brilliant moments but does not quite work as a whole. Yet that certainly is not the fault of lead villain Rosanna who delights as both sinister woman and aquatic alien. Helen McCrory€™s performance is deliciously flirty with an underlying frantic desperation. Her scenes with Matt Smith spark with attraction and manipulation as each character is determined to outwit the other. What makes Rosanna so memorable is the way McCrory allows the character€™s vulnerability to creep through her mask of confidence. By the end of the story Rosanna is less a monster and more a victim of circumstance. While Rosanna's suicide is tragic she never loses her malicious edge. She wants the Doctor to feel her pain and to take responsibility for his part in the death of her race. We are meant to feel conflicted over her fate and that is what makes her such a well-written and fascinating character.
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Mary Ogle is the author and illustrator of “Orangeroof Zoo” a whimsical tale of magical realism told through the pages of a coloring book for adults. Working as a professional artist in the digital medium, Mary’s commissions have included everything from fine art to fan art, book cover design, illustration and book layout. Find more of Mary’s work at www.maryogle.com. Mary currently finds inspiration in the Ojai Valley, residing in a snug little cottage with a recalcitrant cat.