Doctor Who Review: Listen - 10 Ways The New Doctor Is Revealed

“Listen” is an intricate journey through time, the mind and the heart.

By Mary Ogle /

WARNING! SPOILERS: This post contains spoilers and speculation for the Doctor Who series eight episode €œListen€. When we are children we survive in the only way children know how. We hide. We wrap ourselves in bed sheets and crawl into closets and close our eyes. We twist harsh words and violent actions inside our heads until we turn them into things we can live with. The world is so much bigger than we are it is beyond comprehension. We are dependent on beings that are infinitely more powerful than us and they are not always kind. Our voices are not heard. We do as we are told. Until one day we don€™t. Steven Moffat remembers what it€™s like to be afraid of the dark. His story €œListen€ is about the terror of the mind and how we hold ourselves hostage. We cannot conquer fear we can only acknowledge it. Fear is a familiar companion and it is useful. It is a good thing except when it€™s the only thing. Growing up means learning to temper panic with reason. €œListen€ is an intricate journey through time, the mind and the heart. Let€™s see where it leads us.