Doctor Who: The Bells of Saint John Review – 9 Points To Ponder

By Mary Ogle /

WARNING SPOILERS ABOUND: This post is laced with rampant spoilers and absurd speculation concerning Doctor Who Series 7a and 7b, especially episode 7: The Bells of Saint John (yeah I know €“ let€™s not begin by arguing episode numbering. That way only leads to madness). If you haven€™t already watched these episodes well go watch them! They€™re really good. Then materialize back here and tell me what you thought. Rather than burden you with yet another review and/or recap of the €œBells of Saint John€, I€™m going to focus on and discuss some questions and details I thought were especially interesting about this very well put together, action packed episode.

9. Does The Doctor Find Clara Or Does Clara Find The Doctor?

In the €œBells of Saint John€ prequel, child Clara tells the Doctor he should visit a nice quiet place and think about how to find the friend he has lost. She tells him to do the opposite of what he would normally do. The best way to find Clara is not to actively seek her but to be still and let her come to him. When the Doctor is outside guarding the house after the initial attack on Clara by the spoonhead she specifically states she will come to him. At the end of the episode the Doctor sits in the TARDIS once again waiting for Clara to come to him. Even when he offers her all of time and space she does not immediately accept. He must once again wait for her to come to him. Is this perhaps an indication that the Doctor must give up control in order to find what he seeks? The Doctor speaks blithely about destiny, but for a being like him, wouldn't surrendering himself to fate's whim be a very frightening prospect indeed?