10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2015

Roman Reigns crashed WWE Network and Sting wasn't Triple H's first choice in 2015!

By Jamie Kennedy /

Roman Reigns was the second consecutive Royal Rumble winner to get booed out of the building when he won the titular match in 2015. Even The Rock was confused! That kicked off one of the strangest main event babyface runs in WWE history, but Vince McMahon was determined to stick by his pet project despite the hate.


"Hate" is the right word to summarise fan feeling towards Sting's first WWE match too. People were not thrilled by events at WrestleMania 31, or with the WCW icon's run generally. Privately, some of his old peers expressed disbelief that the Stinger let things play out this way - they were dumbfounded by their mate's lack of foresight before signing a contract.

New faces rocketed to the top of the cards throughout the year. Reigns was one of them, Seth Rollins another; however, Roman's turncoat Shield brethren had an interesting day (to say the least) at 'Mania. He joined Sting in being more of a 'Plan B' option than an ideal choice.

One WWE star crashed the Network, another had nuclear heat behind the scenes, and The Rock sold UFC on his latest grand idea. Dig in for some fascinating 2015 facts and stories!

10. Titus O’Neil Botched A Royal Rumble Record

Nobody who watched it could ever forget Titus O'Neil's 'Worldwide Slide' at the so-called Greatest Royal Rumble in 2018. It was one of the most iconic botches in WWE history, and made everyone laugh behind the curtain. Vince McMahon wasn't giggling back in 2015 though. Titus botched what was supposed to be a record-setting moment.


O'Neil was meant to be eliminated from the Rumble after just one second (at most), but he was out of position when Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose charged in to eliminate him. So, the trio had to repeat that spot quickly. In the end, Titus actually lasted four seconds, which matched Jerry Lawler and Bushwhacker Luke, and Vince was reportedly fuming about it.

How dare a wrestler double down on embarrassment.

WWE wanted O'Neil to at least match Santino Marella's exploits from 2009. The funny man went 1.9 seconds, and Titus was going to claim the new unwanted record. It wasn't to be, and all of the heat came down on O'Neil's shoulders. Oh well!
