10 Glaring Problems WWE Must Solve Before SummerSlam 2021

Titan Towers has never been more of a fixer upper...

By Iain Taylor /

WWE is one of the most frustrating companies to follow on the face of the planet.


Take the recent Backlash as an example. A solid PPV that delivered some excellent bouts, marred only by a match that ended when one of the participants was devoured by a horde of zombies on live TV.

Frigging hell. Come back, Robocop, all is forgiven.

Unfortunately, poorly judged pop culture synergy is the least of the promotion's woes. PPVs aside, WWE has been utterly shambolic for months now. With the exception of Roman Reigns' excellent title reign on Smackdown, it's very hard to find anything worth tuning in for on WWE TV these days.

Incoherent storylines; repetitive booking; nonsensical decisions; repetitive booking... WWE's problems have been screamingly obvious for a long time, and it's hard to envision the company having a bright future if it carries on insulting its viewing audience at every turn.

SummerSlam is the next of the company's 'Big 4' PPVs (Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania and Survivor Series being the others), and if the company want to do it justice then they have a lot of course-correcting to do between now and August.

10. Let Us Have Nice Things

On 1 March 2021 the Hurt Business were flying high in WWE. The MVP-led stable had already acquired the tag-team belts courtesy of Shelton Benjamin and Cedric Alexander, and Bobby Lashley put the cherry on top by winning the WWE Championship from the Miz.


Despite the group being heels, this was a genuine feel-good moment. All three talents had long been underutilized by WWE, and seeing them perched on top of the business was living proof that hard work and perseverance do pay off in the long run.

So naturally, WWE broke them up three weeks later. Because God forbid anyone other than McMahon's chosen few get themselves over in his company.

Fans and legends alike were left furious at the dissolution of one of RAW's few bright spots, as yet again WWE decided to cut off its nose to spite its face. Like with Rusev Day and Zack Ryder before them, the Hurt Business flew too close to the sun and were punished for it.

Dear WWE: If you keep breaking our favourite toys, don't be surprised if we stop playing with you.
