10 Things We Learned From Bret Hart On Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions Podcast

That WrestleMania 13 analysis was worth the price of admission alone...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Bret Hart has always been a rather stoic fellow, and he's often a difficult (if courteous and passionate) interviewee who can come across as arrogant, too passive and almost boring when asked about topics like Survivor Series 1997, his WCW run or his current relationship with WWE.


Most interview hosts aren't Steve Austin though.

If that sounds like the sort of praise for Steve's gruff-but-still-friendly interviewing style you've heard before, then tough - it's the truth. Austin's respect for Bret pierced his questioning several times throughout the latest episode of his excellent 'Broken Skull Sessions' series on the Network. At no point did that admiration come across as forced.


The show starred two proud, retired warriors reflecting on their mutual respect, old battles inside the ring and one telling another his honest thoughts on some of his more vulnerable moments. Much like Austin's interviews with The Undertaker, Kane, Goldberg and Big Show, the hour-long chat was over in a flash.

Here's everything you need to know...
