MCU X-Men: 10 Costumes Marvel MUST Use
"Expecting yellow spandex?" Well... yeah, actually.
Ignoring the more disastrous implications of the Disney-Fox takeover for just a second, since it was first announced, Marvel fans the world over have been anticipating the day the X-Men will head to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Once owned by Fox in live action, the time has finally come for Marvel's most beloved superhero team to take to the silver screen alongside the likes of Spider-Man, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel.
It'll be the first time Marvel's mutants have been treated to an on screen reboot, and with writer Jonathan Hickman shuffling the pack in Marvel's Comics after the group spent years in the wilderness, the time as come for the X-Men to take centre stage once again.
Naturally, with them heading to the MCU, fans will expect certain changes. For starters, there's the matter of how they'll be introduced, what team will be included and what storylines may be used too. However, there's also the matter of how they'll look when they appear, and it may even be the most contested point for X-fans going into these new films.
Since the seventies, Marvel's X-Men have sported some of the brightest and most inventive costumes in the superhero genre. For Fox's series though, they just all wore black leather... and they were terrible!
Marvel now have a chance to do right by the team's incredible get-ups, and with a new lineup waiting in the wings, here's who's most deserving of a makeover...