MCU X-Men: 10 Costumes Marvel MUST Use
10. Shadowcat - Astonishing X-Men
Kitty Pryde was actually played by several actors over the course of Fox's original X-Men films, but it was only Ellen Page who got to have a starring role as her.
Page was a fine Shadowcat, but the character had very little to do in X-Men: The Last Stand and sported an even more bizarre outfit. It was the typical black leather X-Men Uniform, but it had some rather weird pink accents. Needless to say, it wouldn't be difficult to improve on.
It's still unclear as to whether or not Brian Bendis' Kitty Pryde script will be used in the MCU, but should Marvel opt to use it, they need to settle on an iconic and colourful look for Shadowcat. She's donned many in the past, with some lauding her quintessentially eighties look in Excalibur as the character's best, but for the big screen only one will work.
For the past decade or so, Pryde has donned a fairly simple black and yellow costume. The difference here, of course, is that yellow is the predominant colour. Hopefully, if Marvel decide to press ahead, we'll see Kitty working alongside S.H.I.E.L.D. in something that doesn't conjure flashbacks to the mid 2000s.