How Marvel Should Bring The X-Men Into The MCU

It sure won't be easy.

Avengers Infinity War Wolverine Deadpool
Marvel Studios, Fox & Marvel

With Disney's recent acquisition of 20th Century Fox, comic book fans have been wondering exactly how it will affect the future of both Fox's X-Men franchise and Disney's Marvel Cinematic Universe.

As Disney effectively now owns two of the biggest superhero franchises in history, it's hard to imagine them not capitalising on this by bringing them together.

It's just a matter of time, really, and though Marvel Studios successfully managed to integrate Spider-Man into the MCU recently, plugging the X-Men into the franchise is an undeniably far more challenging - but also incredibly tantalising - proposition.

Given that the X-Men joining the franchise will result in an unquestionably seismic shift for the MCU, it's safe to say that just about everyone has their own impassioned view of how it should happen.

Should the X-Men be rebooted or not? How can their sudden arrival in the MCU be explained? And what else does it spell out for the MCU's future past Phase 3? It's time to take a deep dive and figure out one possible road map for pop-culture's most famous mutants joining the cinematic colossus that is the MCU...

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.