10 Awesome One-Hit Knockouts In Comic Books

Single blows that knocked opponents outright unconscious.

Comic books are full of all manner of heroic and villainous characters who possess genius intellects, fabulous esoteric abilities and versatile sets of superpowers. Science whizzes, gifted inventors, technology experts, tactical masterminds and mystical specialists have all been shown to possess beautiful minds, while characters boast powers like telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, manipulation of matter and energy and control over weather and the elements, to name but a few, which can be used against opponents in imaginative ways. And yet, sometimes, the most effective method of defeating an opponent - even in a world with so many complex abilities - is by resorting to a good old fashioned clout on the noggin to incapacitate them. Particularly in the cases of those characters who possess super-strength - but also in the cases of those characters who are skilled enough to land precision hits on an opponent - a straightforward smack around the head often does the job against a foe. In this article, we're going to take a look at a number of instances from the history of comic books in which characters were rendered unconscious as a result of a single devastating blow. Here are ten awesome one-hit knockouts from comic books...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.