The reasons why the Batman Universe is such a successful franchise that has dominated the pop culture market for over 70 years are multiple. Many are instantly attracted to the idea of Batman being a superpowerless herounlike most other superheroes, anyone with enough money (and psychological issues) can theoretically become Batman. Others are enamored with Batman's stoic badassery or his charm with the ladies, but in reality the root of the appeal of the Batman Universe is not the Dark Knight himself, but rather the weird, crazy, and outright strange villains that Batman habitually encounters. Without these freaky psychopaths, Batmans great stories would be reduced to a depressing chronology about an orphan boy who copes with the loss of his parents by wearing a cape, tight spandex, and a mask with pointy ears all in an attempt to stop pickpockets, car thieves, and pedestrians crossing at unmarked intersectionsboring. The success of the Batman Universe is dependent on Batmans rogues gallerya collection of some of the most wonderfully strange character ever imagined. The act of picking just 10 of the strangest Batman villains is almost a herculean effort. Every single one of the villains that Batman has encountered over the years is so twisted and demented that strange might not be enough to describe the level of crazy on which they depict.