15 Most Embarrassing Batman Moments

That's a genuine costume. Yeah...

Created in 1939, Batman has obviously been around a very long time, living through completely different eras and surviving the test of time as one of the world's most iconic and popular superheroes. Whether it's as a goofy hero who for some reason shared a bed with his sidekick in the '40s or a camp crime fighter in the '60s, it took quite some time for the Dark Knight to become the dark and brooding character comic book fans now all know and love. Regardless of which era you're a fan of, they all contain plenty of surprisingly embarrassing moments for Batman. While it would be easy to look back only on those early years, even his recent adventures have seen the Caped Crusader subjected to some truly humiliating situations. It's hard to say why this is. Perhaps it's just a misguided way of injecting humour into his adventures or a need to bring billionaire Bruce Wayne back down to Earth. Whatever the answer is, you'll be surprised by just how many times Batman has been embarrassed both in the pages of the comic books and in other forms of media. Here, you will find just fifteen of the best examples. Whether it's the time he was forced to share a bed with Superman, what happened when he was accused of witchcraft, or the time he dressed up like a rainbow, these are the moments which Batman would probably rather wish you had forgotten if he had a say in the matter! Just don't show this to Ben Affleck...

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