Wade Wilson is Deadpool aka the Merc with the Mouth because he never shuts up except to stuff his face with fast food and beer (and sometimes not even then!). Formerly part of the Weapon X program that also produced Wolverine, Deadpool's got the same healing factor as Logan but his experiment had some side effects which rotted his skin and destroyed his brain. As a result, he's the only Marvel character who knows he's a comic book character and cheerfully interacts with the reader on occasion, breaking the fourth wall. Deadpool's become so popular in recent years that he's had multiple series and even got his own video game in 2013. His variant covers of other Marvel titles have become a staple of Marvel's publishing line and much sought after collector's items. Being a self-aware, invincible schizo maniac, Deadpool's ripe for some of comics' most funny covers and stories and over the years there have been many. Here are the funniest covers featuring Deadpool - enjoy with a cold beer and a hot chimichanga!
20. Uncanny Avengers #1 Deadpool Variant

Put me in coach, I'm ready!
19. Deadpool #35

Just another boring day at the office for Mr Wilson.
18. Amazing Spider-Man #611

Skottie Young and Deadpool give Spidey a makeover, 90s style!