8 Reasons Why Daredevil Is Marvel's Greatest Superhero

3. The Courtroom Dynamic Is Complex And Creative

Marvel Comics

Out of all the occupations in the legal profession, none have been more represented in the media than the lawyer. Give or take a few police procedurals of course. Perry Mason, Atticus Finch, Ally McBeal, Vinny Gambini and to a lesser extent Jeff Winger have all come to embody the noble defence attorney in popular culture, but Matt Murdock is a different kind of special.

Ignoring the very on the nose irony of a blind lawyer personifying the oft-espoused belief that 'justice is itself blind,' Murdock's relation to the law is one especially intriguing. On one hand, Matt, as a representative of Nelson & Murdock, puts his faith in the law and adheres to it when it comes to trial. On the other, Daredevil subverts it in order to achieve justice, showcasing the reality that the legal system isn't nearly as black and white as the paper it's printed on.

In order to achieve justice one must often challenge the law - something Daredevil does on a daily basis. You don't have to dig deeper beneath the surface to find the best of this dynamic however. More often than not the cases that Matt takes on embody the very best of pop-culture's courtroom dramas, and when they happen to intersect with Murdock's life under the cowl, the stories only get more absorbing.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.