Batman and Robin #17 Review

rating: 3.5
After the chaos that was "Death Of The Family", it was time for Batman and Robin to get some rest, which is exactly what they did in this issue, the whole issue. If you wanted some explanations or additions to "Death Of The Family", then you will have to keep waiting. This was a very laid-back issue with absolutely no advances in plot and very few in characters. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't really a bad issue at all, it just didn't add too what was set-up in the past two issues. And there's nothing wrong with that, it was good to see Bruce and Damian instead of Batman and Robin. The issue was uneventful but accomplished something that not many comics do today. It had some heart to it. Although I enjoy all sorts of action and peril, it was nice to take a break and get to know how much the Joker impacted these characters mentally. The best part of the book was easily the Alfred-centered pages. He dreamt that the Joker had broken into the Batcave and killed Bruce and Damian. Instead of breaking down and crying, Alfred picked up his shot-gun and put a bullet through the clown's head. This was a very satisfying moment in the comic. Alfred confronted his attacker and wasn't afraid to kill him. It makes me think, would Alfred do this in real life? And, after some thought, I decided yes. Alfred would not apply to Batman's one rule. If the Joker had gotten into the manor, Pennyworth would do exactly this. And, I you don't believe me, look at the smile on his face when he kills that lunatic. I would have liked to have seen Damian confront his father about the horrors that he had to face at the hands of the Joker. No ten-year old boy should have to fight their father to the death while an evil clown is watching and laughing (see Batman and Robin #15-16). Then again, Damian is no ordinary ten-year old boy. But, despite all he's been through, he keeps to himself and rarely shows much emotion. This has worked for his character in the past, but, with all that has happened, I believe he should need to talk to Bruce. They haven't had the closest father-son relationship, and this issue needed to expand on that. Readers needed to see an exhausted Batman and a Robin by his side feeling the pain. If the Joker had done all that to me, I would not have been able to sleep, let alone dream. But, for Batman and Robin, it was your average work-week. This issue's main purpose was to tell the readers that Batman and Robin will soon be back in action. While other Bat-related comics are discussing the aftermath of "Death Of The Family" (see Red Hood and the Outlaws #17 for a great story on that), Batman and Robin just said: Life goes on. The issue is telling the readers that next time we'll be getting something new and that we are done with Joker for now. I can't wait to see what Batman and Robin #18 has in store. It seems like it will be great. If you have just finished "Death Of The Family" and don't know where to go next, I recommend picking up this issue and continuing with this series. The official DC Comics website has teased at what the plot might be for Batman and Robin #18, trust me it's one you don't want to miss! This month's issue of Batman and Robin didn't have any advances in plot, but that was just fine. It managed to tell three separate stories through the dreams of Damian, Bruce and Alfred. It had just the right amount of closure to it to say: "Hey we're done with Joker for now." It tells readers that the next issue will start something new and, from the looks of it, great.