Comic Review: Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #1
Deadpool has been reading Avengers vs X-Men and he's here to put a stop to it.

rating: 4
Talk about giving away the plot in the title! Yup, you guessed it, this miniseries has the merc with a mouth, Deadpool taking out the Marvel universe. But why would he do that? I hear you ask. Well, page one opens with The Watcher, so straight away this isn't real but given that this follows with the Fantastic Four in tatters and Deadpool finishing off who's left, the fun elements kick in and this miniseries becomes very, very readable. The great thing about Deadpool is that you can put him anywhere and he works. He used to work great as a side character in X-Force. Then he worked great in his own miniseries and then he rocked the Marvel Universe when he got his own successful ongoing series (as well as many spin offs since). Nowadays Deadpool is like the rockstar of Marvel. Popular with the readers, the game industry are getting on board more and more and even though the Wolverine movie was a clusterf**k of bad news for Deadpool, he's survived it and carried on being awesome in the comics regardless. It's because of all this that the potential of Deadpool killing the Marvel Universe works and this first issue sets off the events.