Comic Review: Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe #2
The weekly antidote to all that is Avengers vs. X-men continues as Deadpool kills more Marvelites.

rating: 4.5
Last week in #1 we had the set up to this Marvel rampage. It was thin but it was enough and frankly with Deadpool killing Marvel heroes and villains at the turn of every page, the fun factor is ramped up to 11 in this mini series and watching Wade do his thing has never been more fun. This week's targets are The Avengers and how Deadpool does the deed is so simple it's almost too good. Starting with Spider-man, we get a nod to characters' similarities and it ends with a blast that is shocking and just pure Deadpool. Simply put, the straight forward nature of this kill is fantastic. You'll wonder why supervillians hadn't been this effective against Spider-man in the past.

I know, I know, none of this is really happening in the realms of our Marvel Universe but there's a little part of me that wishes something this brave and hectic would happen in the world of Marvel just to mix things up a bit. This is Deadpool cutting through the macho bullshit that Marvel heroes thrive upon of late and he just gets the job done. He's the underdog, the crazy sideline guy, the comedian but he's kicking everyone's ass no matter their superpowers and it just plain rocks! Every time you think a battle will play out for a while, Deadpool just delivers the killer blow and every time you feel the end of a fight with a real impact. Cullen Bunn just gets down to it and whether its a small frame showing a dead Marvelite or a big splash image of a Marvel hero getting butchered, Talajic's artwork fits it perfectly. The fun is felt, as well as the nastiness of a Deadpool on the loose throughout this issue and I just can't get enough of it. In fact, I almost don't want him to stop after four issues. Do Deadpool vs DC next I say. Drop him on the Justice League first.