How To Tell If Your Cat is Plotting To Kill You Review - Matthew Inman

Roars There are some comic strips included which are brilliant like "The Bobcats" who are a pair of talkative cats in an office who€™re just awful to everyone. After locking everyone into an elevator with them and farting excessively (€œthe gas chamber€), one of them has a hot sauce drinking contest and runs about the office after necking four bottles and leaves puke stains everywhere. The book is really fun especially if you€™re a cat owner and it genuinely made me laugh many times throughout. I especially loved the description of petting the tummy of a kitty as €œlike frolicking in the back hair of an angel€! It€™s cleverly observed, really funny, and attractively drawn, €œHow to Tell If Your Cat is Planning to Kill You€ by Matthew Inman is delightful comics fun for all ages. €œHow to Tell If Your Cat is Planning to Kill You€ by Matthew Inman is out now in paperback and digital, and his website featuring new, free comics is


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