Suicide Squad 2: 10 Insanely Dark Moments That Won't Be Used

9. Regulus Mutilating The Swamp Angels

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Deadshot Joker Face
DC Comics

If you heard a story of a gang that ended by being killed and hung up like pigs in the sewer where they lived, you would probably presume it was the plot of next month’s horror blockbuster – or one of those creepypasta horror stories lurking around the corners of the web.

However, the actual place this story belongs is in DC Comics – or, to be specific, in issue 10 of Suicide Squad volume 4, where the new major opposition to the team is introduced by mutilating a separate crew.

It’s an effective way to establish someone as a serious villain – and a good way to make sure that this moment WON'T make it to the big screen, as the level of gore that would be required would push it into R-Rated territory.


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