Comic: Uncanny Avengers #1Written By: Rich RemenderPencils By: John CassadayPublisher: Marvel ComicsRelease Date: OUT NOW IN STORES & DIGITAL DOWNLOAD (VIA
rating: 2
Avengers vs X-Men has ended (with a dull thud) and of course Marvel want to keep any one who liked the story buying their comics, so this week we get some new titles. The first up is Uncanny Avengers. Yup, you've guessed it, it's a team of both Avengers and X-Men... how uncanny. The moment I saw this advertised I knew I wouldn't like it. I already hate that Wolverine is in the Avengers (as well as every other team in the Marvel universe - he's such a loner that Logan) but now the rest of the X-Men get to assemble under Captain America's watchful eye. I just don't like the cross pollination of teams. I'd much prefer a more focused X-Men title than the multitudes of monthly X-comics we have already and having our mutants rubbing shoulders with the Avengers just makes it really hard to believe characters have the time in their day to be everywhere at once, fighting every fight and fixing every wrong. It makes titles feel less important when Wolverine is telling his students over in Wolverine and the X-Men that they need to work together for Charles's dream and then he's swanning off with Thor and Iron Man to help them out or hanging out in the Avengers HQ with Spider-man. I call bullshit on Marvel's approach to these titles and the sooner they get that bigger isn't always better and they don't have to cater for every readers dream combination the better their lines will be.

Anyway, we begin with some brain surgery (all part of the big reveal at the end that I can't mention because it will spoil the surprise) and then we're straight onto the Xavier funeral. This seems like the tenth funeral Charles has had, which takes away the impact of the moment somewhat. Wolverine rattles on about the Xavier dream (again) mutants cry (again) and the "Chuck died without ever seeing his dream come true" speech rolls out (again). These funerals used to mean something, now we know characters come back within six months... but maybe not this time. The cliffhanger at the end of this issue may very well prevent Charles ever returning but dammit I can't tell you why because it will spoil it. So lets get down to the nitty gritty. This issue is about the mostly about the aftermath of AvX. Scott is in prison and his brother Alex comes to visit. Once again fingers are pointed at Scott, who is still largely unreadable in regards to his intentions from here on in and Alex walks away disappointed (so was I, that meeting of Summers brothers had zero impact). Then Captain America and an inappropriately humorous Thor step up and offer Alex the chance to be the 'Face' of the mutants as he's the 'Best candidate to lead the fight for Xavier's dream". Is he? Is he really? Previous leader of rebel band of mutants - X-Factor. Dated Polaris - who has ties to Magneto and is the brother of Scott Summers. The surname alone should stop him being the "best candidate surely?

I get what Marvel are trying to do here. Alex will be thinking he could make up for his brothers bad name and maybe do some good on his behalf or at least put things right. I like Alex is getting his place in the sun as he was one of my favourite mutants in the 90s and he's been a bit aimless of late but I didn't really feel any character in the writing of him here and it didn't quite convince me this was a good move for Alex. That said, we get sidetracked with a mutant attack on humans, so I'll give the writer Rich Remender more time to convince me. Next up is Rogue vs Scarlet Witch. Hey wait a minute Marvel. Why are we still doing this? Rogue has beef with Scarlet Witch and then some lazy ass mutant team rock up, have a fight with the girls and will not doubt aid the Avenger and X-Man to become friends to complete the team. The team we already know the line up of because of the cover of the damn comic I'm reading. What happened to surprises Marvel? Also in here somewhere there's a frame of Magneto sitting around in his costume, brooding and no doubt planning his return to make the mutants strong again in Charles's name, since they are all so divided now. I'm all up for the return of bad Magneto. We need a proper bad guy to shake it up a bit but please can we make sure the Avengers are off planet that month, so this can be an exclusive mutant party?

Essentially what Marvel have done with this new issue of a combined team, as well as the first part of the five part miniseries Avengers vs X-Men : Aftermath is set up what comes next in the Marvel Universe. Scott Summers is in prison, with criminal mutants (Genius! He's not going to form a new army/team with those inmates and break out now is he!), the Uncanny Avengers are beginning to form (providing another title to buy for both Avengers and X-Men fans- smooth money moves Marvel) and Magneto might be plotting his next dastardly plan to avenge Charles. Really what this is however, is another largely redundant team from Marvel. We've met the players, we get to see the first threat they'll have to deal with, which is underwhelming but has a nice Xavier twist and we're beginning to see that even though there's more mutants, humans still pretty much hate the lot of them (but are fine with the Avengers, despite the carnage both team's dished out recently). I set myself a goal after the huge disappointment I had with AvX. To see how Marvel NOW! went and then decide if it was time to hang up my Marvel Comics spending. At this stage, AvX: Aftermath and Uncanny X-Men feel like more laziness from Marvel. There's no focus any more, it all just feels like moves to make money or promote a film that may or may not happen over the next ten years. I don't think I'm even gonna get to Marvel NOW! if I'm honest. I'm already bored.