Venom Movie: 10 Reasons To Be Excited
2. Links To The MCU
The hot topic of conversation throughout Venom's long and fraught journey to, y'know, actually being a thing, was whether or not it'd have any ties to the broader MCU. Sony struck a deal with Disney for Spider-Man of course, but with the studio developing their own films concurrently to Marvel's own, questions regarding their relationship to the MCU were inevitable.
It hasn't helped that the answers fans have gotten have been... contradictory, to say the least. One week, Venom and the rest of Sony's films were said to take place inside the MCU, the next, they weren't. Recent chatter has lent weight to the former interpretation over the latter, with Tom Holland supposedly due an appearance in Venom as Peter Parker, but the simple truth is no one will know until the film releases for real.
And, if Venom is situated within the MCU, it'll pose some really exciting questions for the franchise going forward. Each individual MCU entry has sported a different genre and feel, but apart from the Netflix TV shows themselves, none have ever delved into the kind of territory Venom inevitably will.
Having Venom in the MCU would make things feel a little bit more varied, and assuage fears that the MCU will 'Disney-fy' the X-Men's more mature tendencies. More important, however, is that it'll add yet another iconic Marvel character into the mix - something Spidey fans in particular are sure to appreciate.