Win WWE CM Punk: Best in the World on Blu-ray

available now on DVD and Blu-ray from Silvervision and we have 2 copies of the Blu-ray to give away to our readers. On June 27, 2011, CM Punk forever altered the course of WWE history with a blistering rant, proclaiming, €œDay in and day out for almost 6 years I have proven to everybody in the world that I am the best€ on this microphone, in that ring, even on commentary. Nobody can touch me!€. Since riding into the scene as an extra in John Cena€™s entrance at WrestleMania 22 to defending the WWE Title in main events all over the world in recent years, the €œVoice of the Voiceless€ has backed up that statement. Now, WWE fans get an unprecedented look inside the life and career of the most controversial Superstar of this generation. The first ever documentary to focus on CM Punk traces his rise to the top of WWE, from this early success on ECW, his divisive perpetuating of the Straight Edge Subculture, to becoming internationally revered as the best wrestler in the world, and all the 5 star matches and verbal €œpipe bombs€ in between. Packed with new interviews and commentary from Punk himself, as he takes the viewer inside his day-to-day life. Plus relive the signature matches that have punctuated his WWE career and vaulted him into the championship spotlight! For your chance to win, first like us on Facebook... Already a fan? You can skip this part. ... and then email with the e-mail header CM Punk: Best in the World. Make sure you leave your full name and address and that you are over the age of 15.

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Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.