10 Awesome Movies With Disappointing Sequels

3. Saw

The Terminator T2
Lionsgate Films

The first Saw isn’t really about the traps or about Jigsaw – it’s a movie for the head, whose elaborate plot unfolds with one startling twist after another. The trouble with releasing a sequel every year quickly became apparent when the rushed-looking Saw II arrived in cinemas, boasting a plot that wasn’t as clever as the filmmakers seemed to think.

The rot set in with Saw III, which abandoned any semblance of logic in favour of more traps, more grue and more screaming. Most franchises would die along with their main character, but when Jigsaw breathes his last at the end of the film, he’s already left behind enough traps to set up the next four movies. For a character on his deathbed, that’s not bad.

By the time of Saw 3D there was no plot, just a sense that the train wreck was coming to a halt. Shtick is recycled from earlier instalments and more characters return from the grave, but as another victim faces another round of torture porn, you’re reminded that you’ve seen it all before and simply upping the volume can’t change that.

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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'