10 Actors Who Completely Wasted Their Careers

The fame ladder is a harsh thing. A-list stars like Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, and Julia Roberts (just to name a few) became famous for wowing audiences in supporting roles and later gradually built their reputations with starring roles in successful movies. Still, success can often be as much about luck as it is about talent because one bad role or box office bomb could have derailed the once-promising careers of any star. Because of that, there are many actors who seemed poised for stardom and touted as the next big thing by Hollywood only to see their careers fizzle out and die spectacularly. Some of these actors are just as talented as Hollywood predicts them to be, but whether it's due to bad role choices or off-screen behavior, these would-be stars soon find themselves wasting their talent in projects that are many steps below the ones they made their names doing. Here are ten actors who seemed hovering on the edge of Hollywood success whose later careers never matched their critical and commercial peaks expected of them.

Chris McKittrick is a published author of fiction and non-fiction and has spoken about film and comic books at conferences across the United States. In addition to his work at WhatCulture!, he is a regular contributor to CreativeScreenwriting.com, MovieBuzzers.com, and DailyActor.com, a website focused on acting in all media. For more information, visit his website at http://www.chrismckit.com.