10 Awesome Trailers That Disguised Utterly Awful Films

9. Avatar: The Last Airbender

the-last-airbender-movieThe Trailer: Avatar is a very beloved Anime that according to the infamous auteur M Night Shyamalan holds a special place in his family€™s heart. In the trailer, it admittedly showed in the special effects and CGI department. All of the elemental powers were on display in full force including Aang leaping over a soldier and freezing him in mid-air. The money shot portion of the trailer then showed Aang manipulating a sort of tidal wave. As someone not familiar with the source material, it looked freaking epic. Why It's Terrible: Those glimpses of the action sequences were mighty deceptive and often just kickers to abysmal acting and storytelling. There is a scene where a group of Earth Benders are manipulating rocks the size of a shoe, and by Earth bending I mean they€™re partaking in synchronized dancing. My entire theater erupted in laughter but the joke was on us, as the movie only continued to get worse. Furthermore, the movie also takes a dump on the beloved source material M Night so apparently loves. He could not even get the pronunciation of Aang€™s name right! The Last Airbender isn€™t just one of Shyamalan€™s worst films; I consider it one of the worst films I have ever seen.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.