10 Best Cigar Men From Film & TV

4. Cosmo Kramer €“ Seinfeld

kramer If you were a faithful watcher of Seinfeld and when Kramer came onto the screen, you would often ask €œWhat€™s he smoking?€ Well, Kramer was a cigar smoker, and he loved them. And every now and then, there was an episode that had something to do with Kramer and his cigars. Remember when he burned down a cabin€ or brought Cubans to New York to roll cigars and sell them as €œCubans€€ or lit his hair on fire while trying to light his cigar form the stove? Hilarious. Michael Richard, who portrayed Kramer like no other could, claims that he helped start the modern cigar craze. Um, what ARE you smoking Michael?
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J-Wo hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.