10 Biggest New Cliches Of Modern Horror Movies

7. Oh Look, It's A Website/Expert That Explains Our Entire Situation

If you€™re ever in a horror movie and encountering some evil spirits, don't worry. You just have to do a quick Google search, and the first website that pops up will have every single bit of information you need about this specific demon. If you're lucky, and you usually are, it'll also include the contact information of a dude who can come to your house and explain everything.

It's natural for horror films to incorporate the Internet, and realistically, anyone going through some sort of weird experience would go online to see what's up. Too often, though, the Internet is just used as a lazy exposition device, and while the audience can accept the characters finding some useful info, what are the odds that they'd happen to immediately find a webpage about the exact demon they're experiencing that lays out everything in a way that suddenly makes perfect sense? The expert that€™s brought in knows within seconds exactly which entity is haunting them?

This scene is in just about every horror film set in modern times, most notably in every Paranormal Activity. Characters used to head to the library to flip through some dusty books, but now, they just go online and read a website out loud in a really awkward way.

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Lover of horror movies, liker of other things. Your favorite Friday the 13th says a lot about you as a person, and mine is Part IV: The Final Chapter.